My mind has been working overtime the last couple of weeks since I wrote Part 1 of this series. I really wanted to get to Steps 2 and 3 of my 12 Step Program. Then I realized I just needed to let it come to me, through conversations and experiences. Now that being a helpaholic […]
Confessions of a Recovering Helpaholic Part 3 by Margery Miller
Breaking old patterns came up in my last installment, and I have to admit I am probably harder on myself than anyone else when I catch myself repeating behavior that I have committed to changing. That is where I saw the need for Step 3: Step 3: Be kinder to yourself! Many of us who […]
Confessions of a Recovering Helpaholic Part 4 by Margery Miller
One of the areas we helpaholics get caught up in is FAMILY. Invariably there are one, maybe two people in any given family that seem to have an uber sense of responsibility toward the family as a whole and whether they stay connected, get along, etc. Which brings me to our next step: Step 4: […]
Confessions of a Recovering Helpaholic Part 5 by Margery Miller
It’s the end of July and we’ve had so many days of 100°+ weather that we’re all about to wilt! Until today, which started off dark and still and then it actually rained!!! Which cooled things off, but reminded me of how dark this next step is…. Step 5: Remember that Help is the Happy […]
Confessions of a Recovering Helpaholic Part 6 by Margery Miller
I took a little time to write this in my mind before setting words down because it is such a personal journey for me to face these dark parts of myself! Yet I find that by owning them out loud, so to speak, and writing about them, it really helps me clear my path toward […]
Confessions of a Recovering Helpaholic Part 7 by Margery Miller
I realized after writing the first 6 steps of my 12 Step Program for Recovering Helpaholics that it is sort of divided into two parts. The beginning steps (1-6) are about facing ourselves. The next group (7-12) are about healing ourselves. These steps come from my years of doing coaching (45!) and my journey of […]
Confessions of a Recovering Helpaholic Part 8 by Margery Miller
This is about living in the unknown. For as long as I’ve been coaching people I have had to field their questions about what will happen next. We can make up stories about what we think will happen. What we want to happen. What we hope will happen. But we cannot possibly know. Which leads us to: […]
Confessions of a Recovering Helpaholic Part 9 by Margery Miller
When I write these, I realize that I am speaking about things that I have learned from others — my experiences wouldn’t mean much if I only had them by myself! This is why my next Step is so important: Step 9: Find a group and learn from them One of the reasons I started […]