September 2022 Newsletter + Track Meetings for GGN Members

Margery's Note....
The leaves are just starting to show signs of the coming fall….
And that made me wonder, what needs to fall away in my life?
What am I holding onto that I could let go of, that no longer serves me?
Fall could be a time to re-evaluate all kinds of aspects of my life.
I could decide on some new directions.
So I’m asking myself, why keep this, why hold on to that?
Below are my questions. What are yours????
Clothing I’m not wearing: store it? toss it? give it away?
Do I still really care about some grievance I had with someone?
Am I using all my kitchen stuff, or could I share it with someone who will use it?
Do I hear myself repeating theories that I haven’t re-evaluated?
Am I telling old stories that no one is interested in?
Where do I feel stuck?
What behavior from others am I merely tolerating but not doing anything about?
Am I only doing what I truly want to do or filling my time with unnecessary and uninteresting “shoulds” and ought-tos” to please others?
Just how honest am I with myself?
GGN Member Laura Kopec shares:
For those interested in knowing their
Genetics in relation to medications,
she has added a PGX (Pharmacological Genetic Test) to her repertoire of genetic testing. This can be important and critical information whether you take medication or not!
Schedule an appointment today!
Track Meetings
For now we are meeting at my (Margery’s) house. We still ask for $5 to cover costs. And yes, you can register at the last minute….
Our Track meetings are designed to give us a sacred space to have meaningful, purposeful conversations without fear of being judged or competed with. Only Members can attend. They are amazing experiences, unlike any ‘networking meeting’ you have ever attended!
GGN members MUST REGISTER to attend these meetings, so just follow the links below! And if you want to learn about us, go ahead and join GGN~~if you decide it isn’t for you, we will refund your membership fee!
Each one is an event or happening in itself. Some members come frequently, some come only once in a while. Whenever you attend one, you will find out things you didn’t know, connect with women who will challenge and inspire you, and you will leave with some new perspectives.
Monday Morning Magic Track
- September 12, 2022
- 10 am to 12 noon CT
- Maybe you need a little help deciding what thoughts, ideas, stories or things you want to let fall away? Share your dilemma with us and you’ll feel more free!!!
Click here to join us in person for Monday Morning Magic!
Growth & Transitions Track
- September 21, 2022
- 7 to 9 pm CT
- When we let go of things, we make room for more growth! Unburdening our hearts and minds makes change possible. Come share with us!!!
Click here to join us in person at our next Growth & Transitions Track
Become a Member!
Great Girls Network is our way of being the opposite of the Good Ol’ Boys Network (which is still very much alive and well!). Even if you don’t participate in Track meetings, your membership gives you a way to support our existence and be a part of a growing group of women who really appreciate each other. And the Trii-Annual Gatherings are unlike any other “networking” event! We know women don’t network like men. We want to build relationships, we want deeper, more meaningful connections. That is exactly what GGN provides.
Our membership fee of $50 per year gives you access to our Track Meetings and also contributions to our Newsletter. The fee helps sustain our website, but it also ensures that when you participate in a Track meeting, you will honor the sacredness of the conversations because you are a member.
We created a digital card that helps people understand what they can get from joining GGN so click here to see the card.
Your membership helps give us that foundation, the strength to grow and have an impact on the lives of so many more women.
Great Girls Are Amazing Women!!! Thank You!!!
Margery Miller, founder Great Girls Network