October 2022 Newsletter + Track Meetings for GGN Members in person or on Zoom!

Margery's Note....
Last month we talked about letting things fall away….
Which brought up (again!) the need to break old patterns….
I realize some patterns come from holding on to old, outdated beliefs….
Some are from habits I haven’t re-examined….
Do you find yourself automatically answering people without really thinking through whether you still believe what you are saying?
Breaking patterns isn’t a one time thing….
It is something to continue doing for the rest of our lives!
One of my mentors calls it “cleaning out the attic”
- Do you have old, moldy thoughts and beliefs in your attic?
- How often do you question old beliefs?
- How often do you catch yourself on autopilot?
- Who would you show up as if you questioned yourself more often?
- Do you think of yourself as continually learning and growing?
- Or do you wish you were DONE with all that and could just float along?
- Would that maybe be boring in the long run?
If you stay in your current paradigm, there’s not much you can change about yourself. You can modulate your emotional attachments to some degree, enjoy the occasional minor epiphany, flip polarities at an insignificant level…, but as a practical matter, the only way to truly change is by increasing the elevation of perspective, and that means leaving our cherished but crippling collection of emotional rubbish behind.
from Jed McKenna
GGN Member Lisa Weaver
shares the latest edition of
The Quarterly SCAN
a publication of Unstuck Minds that highlights insightful and provocative ideas hiding in our turbulent and uncertain world. The Quarterly SCAN is one of the ways we help prepare leaders and teams to thrive under conditions of complexity and uncertainty.
In the current Quarterly SCAN…
- Learn about the latest trends and impacts of productivity tracking while getting an experience of what it feels like.
- Discover the future of packaging and what possibilities that might hold for organizatons, consumers, and the planet.
- Consider how mental shortcuts can get us into trouble.
- Learn about a new visual metaphone of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
Join Great Girls member Laura Kopec in a conversation with Great Girls member Jane Baldwin on the fabulousness of Jane and the importance of breathing from a different perspective.
PLUS! Laura Kopec has another offer for you!
Want a life coach that can look at the chemical imbalances and sort out what is what for the most comprehensive life coaching health educating experience? Want a life coaching experience that gives you educational strategies to help you make better choices? Laura brings her education and training into a unique transformative experience. Get in while sale prices last!
“My life has turned around with Laura as my mentor, coach and consultant…I had almost lost hope of finding help and a solution for my depression and co-dependent behaviors as I processed a life of abuse, shame, and guilt…For the first time in my life, I am experiencing guilt-free days, confidence in my own decisions, and a peace that I had only dreamed of.” Current Client
Schedule your Life Coach Session Here
Another Blog from our HR Guru, GGN Member Glenna Hecht
Tell It Like It Is!
Growing up, I would weave stories to avoid getting in trouble. I believed if I told my mom a softer version of the story versus the actual occurrences, the outcome would be less severe. Was I wrong! Sometimes I would create a musical theater production to illustrate my actions. Mom was entertained by my acting and singing talent, but the punishment was never reduced! She saw through my feeble attempts to gloss over my bad behavior. In the end my tactics always had the same outcome, “Tomorrow, you cannot ride your bike after school.” She would look at me with that “Mom face!” With one raised eyebrow and a serious expression she would say, “Glenna, painting a rosy picture that is not true, is a lie. It reflects your integrity, and that is not who you want to be! When you ‘tell the truth, tell it like it is,’ we can quickly get to the root of the problem, find a solution, and you can learn from it.”
Track Meetings
For now we are adding the Zoom option back along with meeting at my (Margery’s) house.
We still ask for $5 to cover costs if you attend in person. Zoom is FREE! And yes, you can register at the last minute….
Our Track meetings are designed to give us a sacred space to have meaningful, purposeful conversations without fear of being judged or competed with. Only Members can attend. They are amazing experiences, unlike any ‘networking meeting’ you have ever attended!
GGN members MUST REGISTER to attend these meetings, so just follow the links below! And if you want to learn about us, go ahead and join GGN~~if you decide it isn’t for you, we will refund your membership fee!
Each one is an event or happening in itself. Some members come frequently, some come only once in a while. Whenever you attend one, you will find out things you didn’t know, connect with women who will challenge and inspire you, and you will leave with some new perspectives.
Monday Morning Magic Track
- October 10, 2022
- 10 am to 12 noon CT
- Maybe we’ll talk about cleaning out our attics! Or what is working us at the moment! No matter what we discuss, it will be fascinating!!!
Click here to join us in person or Zoom for Monday Morning Magic!
Growth & Transitions Track
- October 19, 2022
- 7 to 9 pm CT
- Each one of these is so different, they are hard to describe…. Whatever happens will help you continnue on your journey of self. So helpful!!!
Become a Member!
Great Girls Network is our way of being the opposite of the Good Ol’ Boys Network (which is still very much alive and well!). Even if you don’t participate in Track meetings, your membership gives you a way to support our existence and be a part of a growing group of women who really appreciate each other. And the Trii-Annual Gatherings are unlike any other “networking” event! We know women don’t network like men. We want to build relationships, we want deeper, more meaningful connections. That is exactly what GGN provides.
Our membership fee of $50 per year gives you access to our Track Meetings and also contributions to our Newsletter. The fee helps sustain our website, but it also ensures that when you participate in a Track meeting, you will honor the sacredness of the conversations because you are a member.
We created a digital card that helps people understand what they can get from joining GGN so click here to see the card.
Your membership helps give us that foundation, the strength to grow and have an impact on the lives of so many more women.
Great Girls Are Amazing Women!!! Thank You!!!
Margery Miller, founder Great Girls Network