May 2021 Newsletter — 1 Track meeting this month, Wednesday, May 12 from 7 to 9 pm CT
Margery's Note....
A gradual re-entry ….
“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”
—James Baldwin
“We’re more alike than we are different.”
—Maya Angelou
- Our gradual re-entry will consist of only 1 meeting this month….
- As promised, we’re continuing the conversation about race, life and how we all relate to it….
- We’re holding ourselves accountable for being the change we want to see in the world!
- And if we don’t keep talking about it, we are not fully participating….
- We are in an era of upheaval and we have a voice regarding how we move forward in our own lives….
I am working on a way to combine having Track meetings with some people at my house and some on Zoom….
- This will be a small gathering of vaccinated members at my house….
- Plus a Zoom meeting….
- The conversation will be led by Andrea Ruiz and Anastasia Franklin.
- Since we don’t fully have a “new normal” nor can go back to the past, this is a way to experiment and see how it goes….
- Great girls Network was started to give us an opportunity to express ourselves authentically….
So I hope to see some of you either virtually or in person!
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
7 to 9 pm CT
Racism, Life and Our Relationship to It All
A conversation led by Andrea Ruiz and Anastasia Franklin
For GGN Members Only….Please join us to share your thoughts and feelings about this vital subject!
We’re not charging for this event, and we will have wine and a few snacks if you come in person….
Mother&Sons March in Chicago on Mother's Day!
One of the women in our Count Me In Revival Group has spearheaded the Mother&Son March for this coming Sunday, Mother’s Day in Chicago
Jil Ross, documentary filmmaker and activist is so concerned about what mothers go through when their sons leave the house, she got fired up to do this.
Please click here to check out her website
and think about something you might want to do in honor of this!
Join us on Facebook!
We have an open Great Girls Network page which we would love for you to go to and “like” us and “follow us first” to keep up with our events and also perhaps spread the word about our group.
Click here to go directly to our Facebook page to like and follow us first!
Become a Member!
Great Girls Network is our way of being the opposite of the Good Ol’ Boys Network (which is still very much alive and well!). Even if you don’t participate in Track meetings, your membership gives you a way to support our existence and be a part of a growing group of women who really appreciate each other. And the Trii-Annual Gatherings are unlike any other “networking” event! We know women don’t network like men. We want to build relationships, we want deeper, more meaningful connections. That is exactly what GGN provides.
Our membership fee of $50 per year gives you access to our Track Meetings and also contributions to our Newsletter. The fee helps sustain our website, but it also ensures that when you participate in a Track meeting, you will honor the sacredness of the conversations because you are a member.
We created a digital card that helps people understand what they can get from joining GGN so click here to see the card.
Your membership helps give us that foundation, the strength to grow and have an impact on the lives of so many more women.
Great Girls Are Amazing Women!!! Thank You!!!
Margery Miller, founder Great Girls Network