July 2022 Newsletter + Track Meetings for GGN Members

Margery's Note....
Dark days for women….
And actually for men too!
Losing the right to choose affects ALL members of our society….
We can’t let this lead us into despair!!!!
We can stick together and stay the course!
We each can find a way to stay centered and focused, even though these events are out of our control….
This is a conversation that needs to be shared! No matter what you political affiliation is, please realize that this change drastically affects all of us, men, women, children and their families.
▪ If we don’t want to return to the “dark ages” for women, we need to include men in the dialog.
▪ Women shouldn’t need permission to be functioning, fully available members of society.
▪ Taking away our reproductive rights and decisions sets us back more than 50 years because it seems to be an attempt to erase all the achievements women have made.
▪ Are those who impose this on us so afraid that we won’t take care of our families if we get to choose WHEN to have them?
▪ Unwanted pregnancies are what create lost and abandoned children!
▪ So let’s help each other figure out what kind of action we can take….
▪ And talk about our feelings so we don’t get overwhelmed….
▪ This is one of the best reasons to come to a GGN Track meeting….
▪ We are our own best hope!
Member Activities
Below are a few notes from our members….
Oh what a night!
GGN Sponsored the Heels to Deals event!
We raised over $1,000 to donate to the Robb School Memorial Fund!
Over 100 attendees listened to and interacted with the authors!
Together we raised awareness for how powerful and inspiring women can be and why it’s vital we are a part of sales teams and sales leadership! Diversity and representation matter!
Incredible sponsors:
Photographer: Dallas Allen
Caterer: Delightful Desserts Delightful Desserts
Karen (KJ) Johnson and Dress Success Dallas
Lexipol: Lexipol and Chuck Corbin
Great Girls Network Great Girls Network – GGN and Margery Miller.
Authors told their stories:
Heidi Solomon-Orlick and publisher Bridgett McGowen with BMcTalks Press with stories from Meshell R Baker, Alice Kemper, Ginnette Baker, friends that are a big part of our journey.
And sooo blessed to have…among too many to name, Dallas’s finest:
Susan K Younger, Ann Ranson, Lin O’Neill, Tyler Riddell, Terri Maxwell, Debbie Mrazek, Lisa A Hammett, Linda Fisk, Paula Calise, Keri Spurr, Carole Hooper Tinkham, Tammy Vallilee, Deborah Sawyer, Ann McIntyre, Chuck May (with Ella and Candace), Marzenna Senktas, Frances Micka, Robin Birnbaum, Chris Colgin Sr., Niki Nicastro McCuistion, Mandy Sullivan, John D. Thomas, Marlena Thomas, Neely Duncan, Karen Zelman, David Zelman, Nancy Shemwell, Alexis Egly, Jennifer Carter, Stu Schlackman, Cassidy Power, Chelsea Connelly and the youngest new sales woman : 9 month old Finely
AND we sold a LOT of books!!!!
Thanks so much to all who attended and supported us!!!!
Michelle Bogan shares her latest blog
The Overturn of Roe v Wade:
What Companies Need To Do
To Live Out Their DEI Promises
Regardless of your personal stance on the overturn of Roe v Wade, any organization that says it provides an equitable and inclusive workplace must support its employees who may need access to abortion, in addition to their mental and physical health, privacy, safety and financial needs.
To truly be equitable and inclusive, this support needs to be available to anyone who is impacted by the necessity to consider, obtain or recover from an abortion. So not just the person who is pregnant but also their partner, spouse, caregiver and/or children.
From a diversity standpoint, your employees of color, your hourly employees, and your employees who are most junior in the organization need the utmost consideration in this. Black women in particular have a much higher maternal mortality rate, and this risk will increase with limits on abortion access. Hourly employees tend to have the least flexibility with work schedules, may be unable to afford to take time off work or travel to a location to obtain care, and are likely to struggle to find child care for their other children while they obtain care and recover. Your most junior employees are likely to be intimidated, fearful or unsure about where to go for information.
What can you do?
• Center on your values as an organization. If you state that you provide an equitable environment where your employees can be their whole, authentic selves, this is the time to show that to the fullest extent.
• Focus on privacy. Ensure any employee can obtain information on what benefits are available to them easily and confidentially, without having to talk to someone. And if they need to use a benefit, ensure that they can do so with total confidentiality.
• Be equitable. Provide materials in all languages spoken across your organization. Explain benefits in simple, easy to follow terms. Provide visuals. Ensure materials are communicated and accessible in multiple physical and online locations without a need for access or devices not available to every employee.
• Be inclusive. Create benefits that apply to everyone impacted by the need to consider or obtain an abortion — the person needing the abortion, their partner, spouse, caregiver and/or children. And be open to suggestions from employees on how to best provide support.
• Protect dignity. Do not make employees who need to access these benefits complete burdensome paperwork, go through a screening interview or questionnaire or submit receipts for reimbursement.
• Create safe spaces. Leverage hybrid work and other flex arrangements to give everyone space to process the change in the law in their own way.
Finally, and most importantly, ACT NOW. Millions of people just lost a right that impacts their lives immediately. Many of them are terrified. Be there for them.
Below are some inspiring notes sent to me recently by our beloved Toni Portmann…. They really help!!!!
Track Meetings
For now we are meeting at my (Margery’s) house. We still ask for $5 to cover costs. And yes, you can register at the last minute….
Our Track meetings are designed to give us a sacred space to have meaningful, purposeful conversations without fear of being judged or competed with. Only Members can attend. They are amazing experiences, unlike any ‘networking meeting’ you have ever attended!
GGN members MUST REGISTER to attend these meetings, so just follow the links below! And if you want to learn about us, go ahead and join GGN~~if you decide it isn’t for you, we will refund your membership fee!
Each one is an event or happening in itself. Some members come frequently, some come only once in a while. Whenever you attend one, you will find out things you didn’t know, connect with women who will challenge and inspire you, and you will leave with some new perspectives.
Monday Morning Magic Track
- July 11, 2022
- 10 a, tp 12 noon CT
- It seems vital to have a way to talk through many of our frustrations about the recent Supreme Court decisions. I’m sure it won’t be the only thing we talk about, but this is a great place to do it!!! Join us!!
Click here to join us in person for Monday Morning Magic!
Growth & Transitions Track
- July 20, 2022
- 7 to 9 pm CT
- The growing economy in Texas belies the difficulties so many women are facing in the workplace, caring for children, being supported and encouraged to keep expressing themselves. We want to know what’s happening with you!!
Click here to join us in person at our next Growth & Transitions Track
Become a Member!
Great Girls Network is our way of being the opposite of the Good Ol’ Boys Network (which is still very much alive and well!). Even if you don’t participate in Track meetings, your membership gives you a way to support our existence and be a part of a growing group of women who really appreciate each other. And the Trii-Annual Gatherings are unlike any other “networking” event! We know women don’t network like men. We want to build relationships, we want deeper, more meaningful connections. That is exactly what GGN provides.
Our membership fee of $50 per year gives you access to our Track Meetings and also contributions to our Newsletter. The fee helps sustain our website, but it also ensures that when you participate in a Track meeting, you will honor the sacredness of the conversations because you are a member.
We created a digital card that helps people understand what they can get from joining GGN so click here to see the card.
Your membership helps give us that foundation, the strength to grow and have an impact on the lives of so many more women.
Great Girls Are Amazing Women!!! Thank You!!!
Margery Miller, founder Great Girls Network