October 2019 Newsletter and Track Meetings
Breaking Old Habits Can Help You Move Forward!
Fall seems like a great time to let go of things we don’t need and renew ourselves. In our September Track meetings, we had many amazing conversations about just how to do that!
A book that came highly recommended is **_Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One_** by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Several of us started reading it right away, and I can attest to the power of the concepts presented. In fact, I am so grateful to find this book at exactly the right time in my life!
We all have our “little demons” that live inside us, driving us crazy from time to time. Mine is a secret fear that there is something deeply wrong with me and I am not able to “fix” it. I have done years of work on this, with therapy, studying metaphysics, getting coaching and really all kinds of help to free myself from this secret fear. It manifests from time to time with a panic feeling in the center of my chest (heart chakra!) and fills me with dread. I’m writing this because I don’t believe I’m alone in this feeling. So many of my clients have confessed to me similar sensations. (This relates to the “Impostor/Fraud Syndrome” many women experience.) And no, we don’t have it 24/7 — it shows up when we feel out of order, have a big challenge ahead, are about to try something new, or other similar occasions.
Mine showed up like an avalanche this time when I realized I had been scammed by someone and felt beyond foolish about it! Whatever the reason, once it showed up, this time I was determined to deal with it and find a way to move through it and regain my emotional stability! Hence, my gratitude for the book! And I have been reading, applying what I learn and working my program diligently over the last two weeks. I’m thrilled to say I’m making progress, and I am even more committed to stay with it and BREAK THAT HABIT!
Because, that is really what we are unconsciously doing — letting old habits of thought run and sometimes ruin our lives. Doing this intensive work is already giving me some rewards: I’m feeling more creative, I’m thinking up new ways to expand what we do in Great Girls Network, and most importantly, I am feeling more connected to myself and the amazing, wonderful and supportive people who are standing beside me encouraging me to keep going and keep growing.
Whether it is a new book, a new experience, a new study or just a re-evaluation of what you are up to, I sincerely hope that you will look for and find ways to let some of YOUR old habits fall away and enable you to expand your horizons!
With warmest regards,
Margery Miller, Founder GGN
Fall Gathering November 13th (7-9 pm)
It is already time to talk about our upcoming Fall Gathering! Our guest speaker, Lupe Valdez , was not able to join us in person in August, so she has graciously accepted our invitation to join us in person at our Fall Gathering on November 13, (7 – 9 pm). Go ahead and register ! If you’ve been wanting to check out GGN, this is your chance!
Member Highlight
If you’ve met Toni Portmann, I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t have guessed that she grew up on a dude ranch, but it’s true! Toni’s family owned a ranch in West Yellowstone, Montana and Toni spent her childhood breaking horses and milking cows.
She made her way to Texas, thanks to IBM. They recruited her right out of college, moved her to Dallas and she had a remarkable 17 year career there. “I believe I owe my career to IBM’s Affirmative Action Program”, Toni says. “That initiative began to level the playing field for women”.
Since leaving IBM, Toni has had C-level executive positions in a variety of industries and companies, and along the way honed her entrepreneurial skills.
She is the CEO and co-founder of Walkabout Workplace ; a PaaS (platform as a service) start-up that provides their clients with a digital office and a unified communication system; and they just launched Walkabout Classroom, where they incorporated a previously owned company, Memory Science, into a digital classroom to help students “remember what matters.”
Clearly Toni has a full life, but she still makes time for skiing, hiking and spending time with her 6 grandchildren!
Toni is also a sought after panelist, keynote and motivational speaker and a champion of women. “I am a member of the Great Girls Network because it is not just another networking organization; it is a place where we connect and we get real and we learn and grow from one another while amplifying the power of women”.
Toni Portmann is a Great Girl! Thanks to Lynne Sipiora for this profile!
GGN Member Susan J. Mecca, invites you to join her at an October Meetup! Pitch Perfect: Secrets of a Great Elevator Pitch
Pitch Perfect: Secrets of a great elevator pitch
Date: Oct 22nd
Time: 7-9 PM
You have expertise in one or more areas.
You are thinking about writing a book or have already written one.
You have a message to share that will help others.
But how do you let a distracted world know who you are and what you can do?
You need a plan. And you need a pitch.
Whether you are trying to get a book published, gain speaking appearances, land new coaching clients, or simply grow your network, you need to quickly and clearly communicate what you do and how it helps others.
Every person needs a clear, strong pitch. Every project does too.
This month we will help you create/strengthen your short presentations for who you are, what you do, and how your work helps others.
We will also teach you how to create the same kind of high-level pitch for a book, website, podcast, presentation, or anything else you create.
Click here to register.
Congratulations to GGN member and author, Laura Kopec!
Laura has recently released her new book, Hold Still No More available on Amazon and Kindle .
Bridget Boland, author of The Doula, calls it “A gripping memoir of one woman’s decision to overcome and transform trauma. Keys details with vivid and compelling clarity what it looks like to go from surviving to thriving.”
Click here for more information about the book.
October Track Meetings
To register for a Track meeting, log onto our website as a Member.
To take advantage of these amazing Track meetings, **you must join GGN!** Each one is an event or happening in itself. Some members come frequently, some come only once in a while. Whenever you attend one, you will find out things you didn’t know, connect with women who will challenge and inspire you, and you will leave with some new perspectives.
Growth Track
* October 9, 2019
* 7 to 9 pm
* Growth seems to be inevitable, even if we wish we could slow it down! It seems our opportunities abound with so many issues affecting our lives these days. Bring your thoughts and ideas and share them with us! **NOTE:** Tate Ringer will be holding this Track meeting at her house, which you will see when you register!
Click here to join us at our next Growth Track meeting
Monday Morning Magic Track
* October 14, 2019
* 10 am to 12 noon
* This is truly a place to experience some magic! The most amazing conversations happen on these Monday Mornings! And you will feel so welcome… join us!!! **NOTE:** Tate Ringer will be holding this Track meeting at her house, which you will see when you register!
Click here to join us for Monday Magic!’
Transitions Track
* October 23, 2019
* 7 to 9 pm
* Since change has become a way of life for most of us, this is an opportunity to share, to learn and to get some great feedback about what is happening in your life! We’d love to see you!! **NOTE:** This Track meeting will be back at Margery Miller’s house….
Click here to join us at our next Transitions Track meeting
Join Us on Facebook
We have an open Great Girls Network page which we would love for you to go to and “like” us and “follow us first” to keep up with our events and also perhaps spread the word about our group.
Click here to go directly to our Facebook page to like and follow us first!
Become a Member
Great Girls Network is our way of being the opposite of the Good Ol’ Boys Network (which is still very much alive and well!). Even if you don’t go to Track meetings, your membership gives you a way to support our existence and be a part of a growing group of women who really appreciate each other. And the Semi-Annual Gatherings are unlike any other “networking” event! We know women don’t network like men. We want to build relationships, we want deeper, more meaningful connections. That is exactly what GGN provides.
We created a digital card that helps people understand what they can get from joining GGN so click here to see the card.
Your membership helps give us that foundation, the strength to grow and have an impact on the lives of so many more women.
Great Girls Are Amazing Women!!! Thank You!!!
Margery Miller, founder Great Girls Network