About Tea The art of tea is an ancient ritual and practice. The cause of wars, espionage, riches and disease, all true tea comes from the Camellia Sinensis plant. The differences are the result of geography, growing conditions and methods of processing. Tea was accidentally discovered around 2737 B.C. by Chinese Emperor Shen-Nun who was […]
Everything You Want to Know About Tea by Ann Ranson
Podcast on Freedom from the Shoulds with Donna Valentino and Margery Miller
Click here to watch!
August 2018 Newsletter + Track Meetings
Embracing Change by Ann Ranson
“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” –Viktor Frankl For some, change is a scary word and an even scarier event. Yet, we live in a world that is changing faster than most of us can absorb. In the 1980’s, I remember asking my 60-something mother […]