August 2022 Newsletter + Track Meetings for GGN Members

Margery's Note....
As you can see, we’re still working on staying centered!
This world seems to be in constant turmoil!
We all need to be mindful of keeping ourselves centered and calm….
No matter what is goin on around us!
We can stick together and stay the course!
We each can find a way to stay centered and focused, even though these events are out of our control….
It is looking like our best hope for a world we want to live in is to be truly honest with ourselves, by asking ourselves really important questions:
- Are we wasting time worrying about things that happened in the past?
- Are we holding on to past hurts and fears?
- Do we pay more attention to what others do than what WE do?
- Are we clear about who we are and how we want to show up in the world?
- Are we clear with others?
- Do we set clear boundaries?
- Do we hold ourselves accountable?
- Do we live what we teach?
Being clear with and about ourselves is the path to feeling centered.
Please read all the way to the end of this newsletter for some great, inspiring words of wisdom….
Member Activities
And News from our Members….
GGN Member Jane Baldwin shares
A Free Mental Clarity Masterclass:
Learn to use The Unwinding Compass
August 9 ~ 1:00 – 2:30pm CT
Your Guide to a Calm, Clear Mind
What would it look like to really be living a life without mental clutter?
This is the experience I want for you.
It is possible and super-doable. It can also be easy, and fun.
Imagine that no matter how many phones and text messages are buzzing,
Horns honking,
News outlets alerting
People vying for your attention – you have a way to access calm and clarity in any moment!
That’s why I’m so excited to share The Unwinding Compass with you because I know that it works. I’ve seen how it can shift mindsets and change lives.
Click here for more information and to register
GGN Member Ann Ranson invites you to join her for
The Transformation Game!
Finding Answers
The Transformation Game is a board-game, and so much more. While it plays like a conscious game of Monopoly, it is truly a tool for self-discovery.
In my own life journey, I have sometimes lost track of my purpose. Distractions came from all directions, making it hard to stay focused. But if you want to have a life of meaning and purpose, perhaps you need a way to first imagine that life, second look at what is holding you back, then third identify action steps to realize your dreams.
The Transformation Game gives you a process to achieve your dreams.
Playing the Game is different than regular board games because you start by setting a focus for the game.
- Ask yourself where you need the most help right now. Help with work blues, a relationship, or a life-transition?
- During the game, you’ll journey along your Life Path in The Transformation Game, landing on squares like Angel, Insight, Appreciation, and Setback.
- Each turn, you’ll encounter opportunities for insights and awareness related to your focus. As your Accredited Facilitator & Guide, I’ll help you process how each step provides clues to achieving your dreams.
- Once the game is complete, there’s a proven process to understand the outcomes of your game more deeply and how you can apply actionable insights to your life right now.
Games have been played remotely since the onset of Covid, but I’m planning a first in-person game in Dallas on September 24. That may change due to the virus, but my hopes are high!
Upcoming Games:
September 24, November 5, and December 30
10:00am-3:00pm, with a 30-minute lunch break
$100 per person
If you have friends you’d like to play with, you can arrange a private game. If you recruit 3 friends to play (remote or in person), your fee is waived. You can either share the $100 savings with your friends or keep it yourself. Reach out about dates.
Click here for more information about the game, including testimonials from other players
Some news from GGN Member Torre Capistran
- Getting a divorce….
- Selling her home and moving back to the Turtle Creek/Dallas area
- Getting her 4 and 6 year-olds into new schools in East Dallas
- Deciding what’s best for her company as her #2 person and long-term employee Gale is leaving as of the end of last week, and
- Going on a trip of a lifetime with her best friend, 3 weeks in the British Isles
We’re thrilled for Torre and can’t wait to see her back at GGN meetings!!!!!
GGN Member Gloria Mansfield shares her updated offering from
Piggy Bank Tutor!
For dates and times visit
Another Note from Margery
Many of us are very concerned about the ongoing threat to women who live in Texas being denied their rights for basic social services. I am pleased to share this website with you, for you to watch the videos and make up your own mind…..
Click here for a new kind of MAGA: Mothers Against Greg Abbott
One more reading recommendation…. An inspiring blog by
Vanessa Ogle
Founder of Enseo and HigherHill Studios, Entrepreneur, Inventor, Writer, Musician…and general Megaphone
I have been called sassy, fiery, firecracker, loud, opinionated….but never silent.
I broke my leg when I was twelve and I still remember seeing the jagged edges of bone through my skin, yet I couldn’t feel a thing. This numbness lasted for the duration of the head-first ride down the mountain on the ski patrol sled. All the breath was sucked out of me at the clinic when the docs unwrapped me and the tissue shock exploded into agony. As air finally re-filled my lungs I let out a long, blood-curdling scream. The mountain side clinic set the compound fracture while I screamed and then lugged around a 50 lb. plaster cast from my toes up to my hip for the rest of our holiday.
Since June 24th I have been in a similar state of tissue shock as my freedoms, rights, and equality were ripped away from me by the Supreme Court. I spent several weeks numb and unable to form a coherent thought. My brain has been caught in a toilet spiral of all the awful and unthinkable freedoms that this could be the gateway drug to losing. I feel shocked, disillusioned, abandoned, and attacked. Many of your female employees, coworkers, and family members are suffering similar shocks to their systems.
Last week was the news that my home state of Texas is suing the federal government to challenge guidance that hospitals are legally in the clear to provide emergency healthcare to women whose pregnancies threaten their lives. Right now the news is full of women who are being harmed as medical professionals are unsure as what constitutes legal and appropriate care. This hits home with me as I was one of those women. My life was endangered by an ectopic pregnancy in 2009. Tragically, I also had several miscarriages in my almost military campaign to have a baby. Often times a miscarriage isn’t complete naturally and needs a procedure that looks like an abortion so the mother doesn’t die from infection. I guess Texas thinks I should have just curled up in a ball and died?
Track Meetings
For now we are meeting at my (Margery’s) house. We still ask for $5 to cover costs. And yes, you can register at the last minute….
Our Track meetings are designed to give us a sacred space to have meaningful, purposeful conversations without fear of being judged or competed with. Only Members can attend. They are amazing experiences, unlike any ‘networking meeting’ you have ever attended!
GGN members MUST REGISTER to attend these meetings, so just follow the links below! And if you want to learn about us, go ahead and join GGN~~if you decide it isn’t for you, we will refund your membership fee!
Each one is an event or happening in itself. Some members come frequently, some come only once in a while. Whenever you attend one, you will find out things you didn’t know, connect with women who will challenge and inspire you, and you will leave with some new perspectives.
Monday Morning Magic Track
- Monday, August 8, 2022
- 10 AM to 12 noon CT
- Our conversations mean more now than ever! What are you thinking about right now? What feelings do you want to share? Join us!!!!
Click here to join us in person for Monday Morning Magic!
Growth & Transitions Track
- Wednesday, August 17, 2022
- 7 to 9 pm CT
- Each time we sit down with a small group of women, something magic happens. We learn from each other, we express ourselves, we talk through things. Come be with us!
Click here to join us in person at our next Growth & Transitions Track
Become a Member!
Great Girls Network is our way of being the opposite of the Good Ol’ Boys Network (which is still very much alive and well!). Even if you don’t participate in Track meetings, your membership gives you a way to support our existence and be a part of a growing group of women who really appreciate each other. And the Trii-Annual Gatherings are unlike any other “networking” event! We know women don’t network like men. We want to build relationships, we want deeper, more meaningful connections. That is exactly what GGN provides.
Our membership fee of $50 per year gives you access to our Track Meetings and also contributions to our Newsletter. The fee helps sustain our website, but it also ensures that when you participate in a Track meeting, you will honor the sacredness of the conversations because you are a member.
We created a digital card that helps people understand what they can get from joining GGN so click here to see the card.
Your membership helps give us that foundation, the strength to grow and have an impact on the lives of so many more women.
Great Girls Are Amazing Women!!! Thank You!!!
Margery Miller, founder Great Girls Network